Activision Skylanders Giants Single Character Ninjini
Do not pay over the $15 price. Yes you can even wait to get it here from
amazon at the regular price. My daughter wants ninjini as her reward
for doing extra reading homework assignments and the such. I spent two
days driving around and hitting every store with no luck. I kept
checking amazon also since I am a prime member and refuse to pay twice
the asking price from trolls who jack up the prices of kids toys! With
some Internet detective work I found the site and could
see the times ninjini was in stock on amazon. Currently that is around
anywhere from 3 am to 5 am est yes that is early but my husband gets up
then so I just leaned over grabbed my phone checked amazon and there she
was Ninjini in stock with prime shipping. I hit one click purchase and
was done! Now I will have my daughters reward gift in hand when she puts
her last sticker on her chart. I LOVE AMAZON!
PS thank you to follow
up commenters who pointed out I had mixed up the website I used. I
corrected it some others mentioned other website they found useful for
My son has been waiting patiently for Ninjini to be available in the
stores. I refused to pay $50+ for a figurine. I just walked into
Gamestop today for something else and there she was. I paid the normal
$14.99 and my son is happy as a clam. She has cool upgrades and
"floats" around which is a big deal to my son. So for those of you who
want her keep checking your local stores. She's out there.
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